Sorry for the delay in posting the “jumpoff question” this week—life has been hectic in the last few days! But we sure that things are sunny and happy wherever you are.
This week’s question is:
What gives you stress? And when you get stressed, how do you get rid of it?
But first, this week’s VOCABULARY:
get rid of ...
…を脱する, 免れる, …を取り除く, 追い払う;⦅英略式⦆…を売り払う
get rid of one's stress|ストレスを解消する
お決まりの手順, 判で押したように同じ順序, 型にはまった手口, 型どおりの文句[演技];月並み;日常茶飯事
an affair of fixed [set] routine|お決まりの事柄
〈仕事などを〉中断する, 中途でやめる
He interrupted his studies to answer the telephone.|電話に出るため勉強を中断した.
類語「中断する」という意で, interruptは継続中のことを途中で止める点に焦点のある語. 特にだれかの発言中にさえぎる, の意でよく用いる. discontinueは特にある程度期間にわたってなされてきたことを権限をもって止めるという意味合い. suspendは特に後の再開を想定して, あることを権限をもって止めさせるという意味合い.
high maintenance:(高いメンテナンスを要する人やものを指して)やっかいな
perhaps: 副詞⦅ふつう文修飾⦆たぶん, おそらく, ことによると. ▼話し手の「確信度」が高いときはprobablyを用いる;perhapsはmaybeと同じだが, maybeのほうがくだけた表現
I studied for perhaps two hours.|たぶん2時間ぐらい勉強した
Perhaps it will rain tomorrow.|ひょっとするとあすは雨かもしれない
OK, now to my answer:
Changing my routine usually gives me stress. I love my routine and when unexpected things interrupt that routine, I am not a happy person : - (
For example last weekend, Hiroe and I visited her hometown for her grandmother’s second year remembrance ceremony さんかいき (三回忌).
I love Hiroe’s family and I love to visit Hiroe’s her hometown, but I do get stressed when I change where I sleep, where and what I eat, where and when I take a bath, when I go to bed, when I wake up and how I relax!!! I never really thought I was a high maintenance person but MAYBE I AM!!!
I have been this way since I was a child. I loved to visit my friends and relatives, but I also loved going back home at the end of the day. Perhaps this is strange but it is what gives me stress...
When I am stressed, I try to get rid of it by watching movies, listening to music, doing some graphic design work, talking to my dog, golfing (or practicing golf) and of course, talking with my wife (although she sometimes gives me a little stress too!).
How about you? What gives you STRESS?
Be well and take care of yourselves. I will look forward to hearing your answers this when we speak this week.
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