This week's discussion question is:
In your lifetime, what do you think has been the biggest innovation or change in the world (or Japan)?
This Week’s Key Vocabulary:
lifetime 名詞⦅ふつう単数形⦆
一生, 生涯, 終生
the chance [the experience] of a lifetime|またとない機会[経験].
innovation 名詞
1) 新しく採り入れたもの(新考案, 機軸, 制度, 施設など);改変[工夫]したもの
an unheard-of innovation|前代未聞の新機軸.
2) U革新, 刷新
technological innovation|技術革新.
undergraduate 名詞 • 形容詞
take an undergraduate course|学部のコースをとる
He is an undergraduate at the University of Michigan.|ミシガン大学の学部生です.
current 形容詞⦅限定⦆
1) 今の, 現時の, 新しい, 最新の;当世[現代]風の, はやりの
current English|現代[時事]英語
the current fiscal year|今会計年度
the current price|時価
the current issue of a magazine|雑誌の今号
the current style|当世の流行型
2) 一般に知られて[行われて]いる;〈情報が〉流布している;〈慣行が〉通例となっている, 習慣的な;〈貨幣が〉流通している(circulating)
the current use of the word|その語の慣用法
current funds|流動資金(有価証券手形小切手など即時換金できるもの).
static 形容詞 せいたい【静態】
派生語 静態の|static; stationary
everyday 形容詞⦅限定⦆
平日の, ふだんの, 日常の;ありふれた;平凡な
an everyday thing|日常茶飯事
My answer:
I think the biggest change or innovation in my lifetime has to be the Internet. I remember very clearly the first time I used the Internet. When I was an undergraduate student, I used a program called “gophernet” to look up some really basic information about the University of Minnesota. I was AMAZED to see current information on a computer because until that time, I had only used computer programs or other static information.
And now, just 17 years or so later, I use the Internet everyday to listen to music, watch movies, find all kinds of information, communicate with my friends, students and family, do shopping and get daily news. It is now an everyday thing in my life.
How about you? What do you think is the most important change or innovation in your lifetime?
I will look forward to hearing your answer.
Be well,
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