

Hello again everyone. Thanks you for the responses last week. It was interesting to hear about your travel stories.

OK, on to this week's topic. But first, here is this week’s vocabulary:

instead: それよりむしろ, その代わりに, そうしないで, それどころか(▼(1)ふつう文頭か文末にくるが, 文中にくることもある.  (2)結びつける2文は対比または二者択一の内容を表し, butでつなぐことが多い)
Last night I went out, but tonight I'm staying home instead.|昨夜は外出したが, 今夜は反対に家にいるつもりだ
If you cannot go, let him go instead.|君が行けないなら代わりに彼を行かせなさい.

unrealístic: 非現実的な.

realistic: 現実主義の, 現実的な⦅about ...⦆;実際的な

target: 目標、達成

screenplay:映画[又はテレビ]のシナリオ[台本, 脚本]

direct: 監督する

stage: (発達成長などの)段階, 一歩;局面, 時期, 位置
at this stage|目下のところ

Sometimes, people make a list of things they want to do at some time in their lives. In American English, we often say that these are “things I want to do before I die” lists. These aren’t just unrealistic dreams like, “I want to have a billion yen” but more realistic—things you REALLY want to target to do in your lifetime. So this week's question is:


My answer:

At this stage in my life, these are on my “things I want to do before I die” list.

I want to swim with a whale. Don't ask me how, I just want to do it.
I want to feed (maybe peanuts) and then play with and elephant.
I want to travel to the following places:
South Africa
I want to build a house for Hiroe and me.
I want to grow MOST of my own vegetables and catch most of my own fish. And have my own cow, donkey, sheep and chickens (maybe I want to be a farmer).
I want to write a screenplay and then direct the movie.
I want to speak Japanese better!

I am sure there will be more things on my list in the coming days, months and years, but that's it for now.

So, what are some things that you want to do before you die?

I will look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Have a great week and be well.


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