From now on (これから), I am going to change the order of this blog and give you the important vocabulary first(まず大切な用語から先に紹介して、ブログの内容に入ります). Therefore, please check the vocabulary and then read the question and my answer.
This Week’s Key Vocabulary:
STEAL(stole /stóul/, stolen /stóulən/, ~ing)他動詞
1[III名 詞(副 詞)]〈物を〉(場所人から)(こっそり)盗む;〈アイデア作品などを〉盗用する;…をこっそり奪う⦅away/from ...⦆. ⇒ROB
stolen goods|盗品
steal away all the money from the safe|金庫から金を残らず盗む
A thief stole his wallet.|どろぼうが彼の財布を盗んだ
He had his wallet stolen. [=His wallet was stolen from him. ]|財布を盗まれた.
間投詞•名 詞⦅驚き喜びなど⦆おおっ, わあっ;おおっ[わあ]という叫び声.
━━動 詞•自動詞•他動詞(おおっ[わあ]と)叫ぶ.
ooh and aah
OK. This week's question is on that you MIGHT not want to answer but may be fun (or, maybe therapeutic...) to do so.
The question is, Have you ever stolen anything?
My answer:
When I was about 14 years old, I stole a nude magazine (ヌード雑誌) from one of my friend's house! Thinking back, I can't believe I did it but I did! I remember oohing and aahing with my best friend, Jeffrey, since we had never seen such things before. It was a kind of sex education for teenage boys!
Of course, our fun ended one day when my mother FOUND my magazines hidden under my bed and WOW, was she ANGRY!!! She never asked me where I got the magazines, but she told me that I was too young to have such things. I didn’t think so, but I didn’t argue with her—she was my mom. I felt embarrassed about it when I was a kid but looking back, I find it very funny now.
And, earlier this week, I asked Hiroe the same question—has she ever stolen anything? She quickly answered, YES! She said she once, when she was 19, stole a hair dryer from a hotel in Nagoya. I can’t believe she did that! Maybe we are not as honest as I thought we were.
Now how about you? BE HONEST: Have you EVER stolen ANYTHING?
I will look forward to hearing your answers.
Be well,
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