What was your first job?
Whether it was a part time job, a summer job or a full-time job, most people clearly remember their first job and their first payday. I certainly do and I will look forward to your story about your first job when we speak next.
MY first job:
I got my first job when I was 13 years old. I worked in the summer of 1982 for a company called, P.A.W., a landscaping, lawn care and snow removal company.
I got paid (US) $5.00 an hour (about ) and worked between Monday to Friday, from 7:00 AM to about 5:00. My main job was to cut grass at different businesses and apartment complexes with a riding lawnmower. I also did some landscaping, drove a tractor, a sometimes got to drive a dump truck! It was a great job for a kid because I got to be outside all day, listen to music, and use all kinds of equipment. It was a boy's dream!
My first payday was a day to remember. My boss paid me $500. He paid by cash and gave me four $100 dollar bills and five $20 dollar bills. I felt like a king! That summer, my mother helped me open a bank account and my brother helped me take care of my money. I worked at P.A.W. for three long Minnesota summers. It was a great learning experience for me and something I will never forget.
Some Key Vocabulary:
landscape gardening; the art of landscaping
lawn care:
lawn 名 詞芝地;(庭園公園などの)芝生
mow the lawn|芝生を刈る.
riding lawnmower
芝刈り機|a lawn mower
snow removal:
派生語 除雪する|clear ⦅a street⦆ of snow
除雪機[車]|a snowplow; ⦅英国用法⦆ a snowplough
除雪作業|snow-removal work
⦅米国用法⦆紙幣, 札(さつ)(⦅英国用法⦆note);⦅米俗⦆100ドル札
a dollar bill|1ドル紙幣.
apartment building:
⦅米国用法⦆共同住宅;アパート (⦅英国用法⦆a block of flats).
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