


This week’s question requires us to think about our own
well-being versus the well-being of others. 

Image you have been given the following 3
scenarios and you must choose ONLY ONE of them to come true. 

Your choices are: 

To end world
To win ¥100,000,000; 
To add 10 years to your life. 

Which would you choose and why?

My answer:

Of course, if I won ¥100,000,000, my life would probably be a little more relaxed than it is now. I am sure I would play a little more golf, I would buy an old house in the countryside and spend my time
fixing it up and I would certainly do a lot more gardening. Besides that, I could help any friends or family that needed any assistance.

None of us know just how long we will live. However, my
assumption is that I have at least another 30 or 40 years left of my life here on earth. And quite honestly, that is plenty for me. For that reason, living until I am 70 or 80 seems like enough time to do what I want to do. However, if I knew that I would die anytime soon, then adding another 10 years might be a good idea since dying young would only hurt the people around me. However, I don’t want to add another 10 years onto my life so that I live until 90 or perhaps even longer.

However, if I am honest with myself and if I really had to choose between the three scenarios, there is no
internal debate. As much as I would like some extra money or extra time in my life, those things don’t compare to helping others.

How about you? Which would you choose and why?

I will look forward to hearing your answers this week when we speak.

Be well,


This week's vocabulary:

well-being 名詞
幸福, 安寧, 福利
the well-being of the nation
material well-being

versus 前置詞⦅形式的⦆
(比較や二者択一において)に対して, 対比して, 対照して

scenario 名詞
(複 s
(映画の)シナリオ, 脚本
a scenario writer
(劇などの)台本, 筋書
under this scenario

famine 名詞
飢きん;U飢え, 空腹, 飢餓(starvation)
a region ravaged by famine
famine prices
大変な不足, 大欠乏.
[中フランス語←俗ラテン語famīnafamēs飢え+īna -INE2=飢えの状態)]

fix (something) up

assumption 名詞
仮定, 想定, 前提, と)仮定すること⦅that節⦆;了解事項;〘論理学〙(三段論法の)小前提
on the assumption that ...
It's a mere assumption.

plenty 名詞
⦅ふつう肯定文⦆十分, たくさん, 多数, 多量(の)⦅of ...
There was plenty of money.
There were plenty of apples on the tree.

internal debate

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