We have another 2-part question this week.
The first question is:
What is something in your life that you could NOT live without?
And the second question is:
What is something in your life you would LIKE TO LIVE WITHOUT?
As I think about this answer, my answer becomes incredibly clear. I COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT MY COMPUTER—my Apple MacBook Pro. Because I live in Japan, my computer is my connection to the world outside of Ise. My computer gives me news, music, movies, the ability to create web design, the ability to teach and speak to my family via SKYPE and a way to keep in touch with my family and friends via email.
Now, the one thing I would like to live without...
Interestingly, it is the same answer, my computer. As much as I love it, I feel sometimes that I am chained to my computer! I think there are times when I am so “plugged in” that I don’t pay enough attention to what is around me—life away from my computer!
So, starting today, I am going to try to “unplug” my life a little more. I will try to be less computer-generated and focus more on my life away from my computer! I just have to remember that balance is the key.
Good luck thinking about your answers and I will look forward to hearing about them.
Be well,
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